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Pro Highlight: Kaet Banks

Photographer and AVVAY Pro Kaet Banks is based in Franklin, Tennessee. Although her lens tends to focus on nature and portraits, she says her inspiration is always God. Keep reading to find out more about Kaet and her craft.

“I love trying to capture personality through an image, so if I’m drawn to your personality, I’m drawn to work with you.”

What advice would you give to new professionals trying to make the leap to full time creative work?

I would say, don’t get discouraged if your work doesn’t take off immediately. It takes time for people to discover you and to appreciate what you do! It takes time for everyone, but you’ll get there! 

How do you avoid distractions and burnout when you’re creating?

Usually what I do to avoid burn out is look for inspiration in places I usually wouldn’t. For me that’s reaching out to new people to shoot with, trying different styles, sometimes I’ll even switch to different crafts like painting and video.

What inspires you and your work?

My number one inspiration is God (as sappy as that can sound) that’s really why I do anything at all. If He’s given me the ability to do it, I use it for Him 🙂 Another big one for me is people. I love trying to capture personality through an image, so if I’m drawn to your personality, I’m drawn to work with you.


If you could collaborate with any anybody in the world, who would it be? 

If I could work with anyone in the world I think I’d want to work with a band, maybe go on tour? I just saw Great Van Fleet a few days ago in Atlanta, I think shooting for them every night and getting hear the music too would just be wild. 

Describe the ideal project that you’d like to create.

My ideal project is one that portrays a clear depiction of love and joy. I always lean towards a bright, happy emotion when it comes to what I want to show through an image.


What is the biggest obstacle you face today in regards to growing your creative business? 

The biggest obstacle I am currently facing is re-gaining clients. I just recently moved to Nashville from a small town, so it’s a much bigger playing field. It’s a teaching process though, learning how to reach out more and not getting discouraged during the rebuilding!

Where do you see yourself as a creative in the next 10 years?

I see myself with a studio hopefully based here in Nash or in Chattanooga, and if I’m going all out, London. Also, I love to be consistently traveling. Soon, I’d like to start on missions work and make a blog.

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