A closer look into the inspiration behind the work of this talented young Texas photographer.
Texas photographer and AVVAY Pro, Fernando Villegas, is relatively new to freelance photography, but you may be surprised to hear that based on his wonderful work. Rooted in adventure and often found capturing his artistic photography in the outdoors, Villegas aims to capture raw moments that exhibit the freedom in self expression and identity. Keep reading to see what else is happening in his creative process.
“I would like to change the stigma of ‘everybody is a photographer, There’s no Future in that’ Because that’s a lie.”
What/who are your creative influences?
My creative Influence is a photographer I first started following when I started this whole journey. He’s a “lifestyle photographer” and his name is Andrew T. Kearns
How/when did you start in your professional career?
I started off by learning to become a freelance photographer, basically finding work wherever whenever I could with any occasion! I wanted to work a job that I actually enjoyed instead working a 9-5 office job where I had to listen to some boss that barely cared about me. Not that all office jobs are bad! I just wanted some freedom.
If you weren’t working as a creative, what would you be doing?
If I wasn’t working as a Creative person, I’d probably be serving my loyalty to the United States Army believe it or not! I’m actually currently leaving the army to pursue my dreams and I’m moving to Ireland with my girlfriend as soon as I’m out.
How do you avoid creative burn out?
I avoid creative burnout by having artist Role Models who have been grinding hard towards their goals a lot longer than I have. I look at their work and their ethics and they help me think to myself “don’t give up on yourself, remember why you started.”
What stigma about your profession would you like to change?
I would like to change the stigma of “everybody is a photographer, There’s no Future in that” Because that’s a lie. To be a good photographer you must succeed in being unique and not trying to copy everybody else’s style, you will develop your own unique image. P.S Copying somebody’s work and finding inspiration from their work is 2 completely different things.
When/where do you come up with your best ideas?
I come up with my Best ideas when I’m adventuring and when I’m Running low on money! HAHA No but I actually really just produce my Best work when I’m in my habitat of nature, surrounded by good people and good lighting!
At the moment, what is the biggest goal you are trying to achieve in your creative career?
My biggest Goal is for people to start seeing that I am not just a Photographer, But to see me as an Artist. I am trying to create a unique style of my own for photography. I don’t like to copy from others’ work. I don’t want people asking me for shoots because I take photos, but because I have this style and they’re interested in taking part in it.
What do you hope that your work does for other people?
I hope that my work inspires people to see that Photography doesn’t always have to be a cut throat artistic business. I want them to feel free to pick up a camera and just go out and live their lives while they capture moments through a lens. TRAVEL, INSPIRE, CAPTURE, & ENJOY LIFE TO YOUR FULLEST.