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2019 Marketing Trends: How AVVAY Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

As 2018 came to a close, Forbes gave two lists full of content marketing trends that would either continue, drop, or develop in the new year. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be all business, all the time, these lists still have informative gems that are valuable for anyone wanting to take their craft to the next level. While attempting to pick up on some tips for us, we took more away on how to help you.

Read on to discover some ways we can help you put some of these trends in motion for your next project and how AVVAY may just be the missing link to your marketing evolution!

Webinars, Webcasts, and Live Video

We all know that video content is a must these days. And you’ll be seeing more of it from AVVAY in 2019. Forbes says that there is an undeniable value in video marketing, and they have data to prove it. In their research,

video is predicted to account for 82% of global internet traffic by 2021, and marketers who use video increase their revenue faster by 49%.

Convinced yet? We definitely are! Reading this, you’re probably eager to start filming ASAP, but where would you get it done? What type of location would best fit what you’re looking for? How long will you need the space? There are so many specifics involved in the development of the idea alone, and that’s where we come in. AVVAY offers a variety of photo/video studios and other unique locations that can fit virtually any criteria that you’re looking for when attempting to venture into video. Finding the perfect location is practically half the battle! We’re here to make that process easier.


Trust between the client and the consumer is key for any business to grow. Cohn and Wolfe’s 2017 Authentic Brand Study said that

91% of consumers are willing to reward a brand for its authenticity.

So what does this mean and how can we help you achieve it? Basically, it means that your audience wants to know you and what you’re about in some way that allows them to see you as valid and trustworthy. This can be done digitally, but what better way to really get to know your audience than through a face-to-face meeting. Here is where we step in to help that happen. AVVAY locations aren’t only useful for production projects. There is also a vast array of spaces that are perfect for hosting workshops, meetups, and other events to help boost trust with your audience. With our extensive venue selection, you can plan the perfect in-person event that best reflects you and your brand.

Strategy will become more essential

The time to plan your marketing moves is now according to Forbes’ predictions on future content trends. Instead of being free-range, companies are predicted to become more specific in their goal setting. With every project having different needs, you never know what you might need to get the task done. In hopes of helping you fulfill whatever it is, AVVAY is here to help. Our ever-expanding collection of unique locations can help execute anything you may be planning, and possibly exceed your original expectations.

Content Marketing is becoming Marketing

Content creation has evolved from being a side project that you’d get to when you had time, into a critical piece of whatever you’re planning to take public. According to Forbes,

content marketing helps to make two-way conversation with your audience.

It can help generate traffic, build your brand, and then some. It makes whatever you’re doing more than a moment of engagement. It makes it a lifestyle. The tricky thing about content marketing is that the necessities you need to do it effectively vary from project to project. For one element, you may need some dynamic photography, while for another, you’ll need an open venue to host guests. Whatever it may be, AVVAY offers a variety of spaces to help you and your content stand out.

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