Let’s be honest, art is frustrating. For real, it can be such a pain. So why do we pursue it? Because we all know that on the other side of the challenges, just past the pain, when you finally climb over the final obstacle of each project, there is a place of unbelievable beauty. This is art. And our job, as artists, is to rise to the challenge, overcome the odds, and reflect the journey in the art that results which then inspires new art. The difficulties are the driving force of reaching our goals.

All of this is very easy to type. But how in the world do we actually believe this? We have to change our perspective and truly begin to embrace every challenge we face as a positive. It’s an odd approach, but its necessary. We have to begin to change the way we see the challenges.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” — Winston Churchill
At AVVAY, and I would argue with every startup, there have been waves of challenges, logistical hurdles, and an array of other difficulties along the way. But every challenge we have faced as a company has resulted in the same outcome. Every difficulty has made us better. Smarter. More unified. Stronger. More refined. Confident. Inspired. And made us more equipped to serve our creative community.

So would the easier road have been better? I say no. The challenges we have faced have made us who we are. And isn’t that a more realistic reflection of the lives we all lead anyway? We are who we are as artists because of the experiences, and the failures, and the challenges we have faced. Isn’t that why we seek out art in the first place? For fresh inspiration, and a reminder that there is something more to life than finding an easy road, or running from difficulty?
Let’s look our challenges in the face and embrace them as opportunity’s for growth and keep moving forward. We are proud to be on this journey with all of you. There is so much exciting stuff ahead. And we can’t wait.