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Creative Trends To Watch in 2019: Creative Resource

Can you believe it’s 2019? January has been here for a while, yet all the newness of the year hasn’t fully set in yet. Many of us are still waiting for the next craze that helps define these next 365 days into our memories. Knowing that with every new year comes new trends, we did some research on what’s next for our creative community. Per usual, the internet gave helpful, and shareable answers. Here’s a look at some creative trends to keep your eyes on this year.

Creative Trends To Watch in 2019 - AVVAY

At the start of the year, Digital Trends posted an article about the year’s upcoming creative trends. According to the site, much of creative content will be thematic and with purpose. Blog author Hillary Grigonis says that the content of 2019 will be rooted in making statements on social issues, as well as increasing authenticity and inclusion. Essentially, creative work is predicted to be more humanitarian based and centered on efficient journalistic news coverage.  According to Grigonis’, the following are Adobe’s 2019 trend predictions:

Natural Instincts

“…captures the natural world as a way to escape from the increasingly digital one”

Creative Democracy

“…a trend toward authentic images with vivid color, in a nod to the increasing way individuals create their own content”

Disruptive Expression

” Adobe says the trend is about embracing identity and celebrating individuality, but with intensity.”

Brand Stand

“Brands are either taking a public stand, Adobe says, or helping consumers make ethically-aware decisions.”

This compact list really gives us all something to think about in regards to the creative process. It definitely shows how there are infinite ways to incorporate these predicted creative trends into your next project.

Check out some spaces near you where you can get started!

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