What I learned about the importance of having access to spaces that inspire creativity by making a record in hotel rooms
Ok, I’m going to go into this one without even Googling “how to write a good blog post,” so this could get nuts. The AVVAY team has been working really hard for months refining and developing a platform with which creatives can find and book inspiring work spaces for creative projects. This means if you need a place to track drums or vocals and you’re in X city, you can see exactly what’s available, from bedroom setups to commercial studios and everything in between, and easily book a space. Or, if you’re an artist looking for some inspiration, a certain vibe, or a situation that has tools and amenities you need, there’s spaces for that too. Also, we’ve realized there’s no convenient way to find and book photo/filming locations and studios. Looking for inspiring work spaces, no matter what type of creative work its for, is difficult. I could go on and on with AVVAY use cases.
Bottom line: I think there’s a real need for what we’re doing and here’s why…
Last year I produced a record with a friend in hotel rooms across the globe. I play guitar/keys for Paramore live and my friend, Aaron, plays drums. Aaron had a fairly small window to make a solo record and it was right in the middle of an international touring cycle. So, instead of hunkering down in my studio at home like normal, I threw together a portable rig and we began tracking it in hotel rooms before and after shows. Aaron and I both got pretty burnt out on the hotel room thing. We had to track his vocals with a comforter over his head, which we did to minimize complaints from other hotel guests (it was not effective). Aaron sweats a lot too, and since we normally tracked in my room, I got to sleep with a sweaty comforter most nights. It was just a really uninspiring way to make a record. Seemed interesting on paper, but in reality, I am very much affected by my surroundings as a creative. I need inspirational space.
So, this experience stuck with me. I kept thinking that booking creative space, whether it be locally or as you travel, could actually be just as easy as booking the hotel rooms we made that record in. Furthermore, I knew that there were so many hidden gems out there. Someone has a living room with a PA in it that your band can practice in. Someone has an urban loft with an art room and a view of the city. Someone has an insane home recording studio. Someone has a vibey basement that’s perfect for photo shoots. Someone else has a wood shop in their garage. AND, these beautiful commercial studios, theaters, kitchens, and rehearsal facilities can be at our fingertips as well in a not-so-intimidating way. With AVVAY, we’re getting these spaces out in the open. The space hosts have total control of booking approval, availability, and easy payment. It can be purely supplemental or you can base your entire business around it. I believe it’s good for both creatives and creative space owners. I’m so so excited. I get to work on it with some incredible guys who are literally geniuses. We all have touring and music as part of our background, which is why we say AVVAY is for creatives, by creatives.
I hope you’ll join our community. We’re launching very soon and need people who are willing to get involved early on. Thanks for reading this .
– Jon