If we are honest with ourselves, we all feel it from time to time. Or all the time. The pressure to be the best. Or at the very least, the pressure to be the most unique, the most ambitious, the most cutting edge, etc, etc. This is the curse of being a creative, nothing is ever good enough, and there is always someone or something else to aspire to. We tend to be a restless breed.
While none of this pressure is necessarily wrong or evil on its own, much of this mindset, this competitive nature in all of us, indeed has the tendency to burn a hole in our art itself if left untamed. So how do we begin to dig out of the pressures of our industry? How do we allow the competitive nature in ourselves be a creative fuel and not a destructive fire? We celebrate.

Here at AVVAY we are learning more every day about the power of championing not only our vibrant differences as creatives, but also our beautiful cohesion as a community. It’s a bit like dancing in the fire. Our creative world is absolutely chaotic, yet we are the ones who are wired to look at the chaos and both find and tell the beautiful story within it to the rest of the world.
As artists we embrace the chaos of the world around us. We stand together, ironically united by our differences.
The reason we can all celebrate the madness, and rise above the pressure, is because when we are the most authentically ourselves, the most raw and unedited versions of ourselves, we are untouchable.
I don’t have to be you. Because I am wired to be me. Likewise you don’t have to measure up to anyone else, because they can’t ever come close to being you. This is the beautiful reality of being human. We truly are one of a kind. And for that reason, we can take all that pressure off our shoulders, and instead, spend our time celebrating our community and all the chaotic beauty that it represents.